Tentative Date: September 14-23, 2023
Students Application Deadline: May 31, 2023
Location: International Meridian Circle Program (IMCP) Headquarters, Huairou Campus of the National Space Science Center, Beijing, China
The International Meridian Circle Program (IMCP) is pleased to announce the 2023 IMCP International Workshop and 2023 IMCP Space Weather School , scheduled to take place in Beijing, China from Sept 14-23, 2023. The main focus of these IMCP events is the fundamental science of the coupling between magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere, and atmosphere, and how they are influenced by geospace and terrestrial weather conditions. Additionally, these events will cover the scientific instrumentation utilized to monitor the geospace state and enable science innovation and progress.
It is well established that solar and geospace disturbances as well as lower atmospheric forcing and lithospheric processes can impose a variety of space weather effects, ranging from severe and detrimental impacts to large day-to-day variability in the upper atmosphere that are essential for the operation of modern technology systems.
The International Meridian Circle Program, an initiative in geospace science rooted in the Chinese Meridian Project, aims to explore the phenomena, drivers, and physical processes associated with space weather. IMCP employs global networks of ground-based observatories and other observational and modeling platforms to carry out its research. As part of this mission, IMCP is committed to fostering collaboration among the international space weather science community and to educating and training the next generation of scientists. IMCP supports not only their individual scientific research but also encourages them to engage in international cooperation.
The workshop and forum
We cordially invite international colleagues who are actively involved in observational and modeling studies of geospace science to share their latest progress and achievements during our 3 day(Sept.14-16) sessions. These contributions will aid in our understanding of the complex geospace systems and ultimately lead to more reliable space weather forecasts. While the IMCP's main focus is on the Asian/America and Europe-Africa meridians, we are especially interested in studies that showcase the applicability of ground-based chain observations.
We anticipate availability of local support as well as some international support to attend the meeting. Additional logistical information will be posted in the near future. For travel support and other inquiries, please contact us.
The registration processes to attend the workshop and forum is now open and can be accessed here. The deadline for registration is May 31. Please contact Mr. Fang Yang for questions and specific requests at fyang@nssc.ac.cn.
The space weather school
The school (Sept. 14-23) will consist of week-long intensive course lectures and research projects, and an above-mentioned 3-day workshop/forum on IMCP science that will bring together the international experts and outstanding young scientists in the field. The courses and projects cover scientific topics from geospace storm effects, radio and optical remote sensing of the upper atmosphere, geomagnetism, and solar and interplanetary physics, as well as modeling and data science aspects. The school will provide ample opportunities for the students to interact with lecturers and senior scientists. The students will be assigned mini projects to work on as a team and present their research at the conclusion of the school and forum. The school is most suited for Ph.D. students, postdocs, and early-career scientists.
The application processes to attend the school is now open and can be accessed at here. The deadline for submitting applications is May 31. Applicants are required to provide a brief resume with information on their research and course study background, publication, and a statement of research interest.
Local support, including accommodation (a shared hotel room for 2 students) and meals during the school course session and the forum, will be available for up to 40 selected students. Additionally, travel support may be available. Please contact Mr. Fang Yang for questions and specific requests at fyang@nssc.ac.cn.
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP)
Steering Committee
Chi Wang, National Space Science Center, CAS
Shun-Rong Zhang(School Organizer), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Michel Blanc(Workshop Organizer), IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, France
William Weining Liu(IMCP Scientific Committee Meeting Organizer), NSSC, CAS
Jian Wu, China Research Institute of Radio Wave Propagation, CETC
Xuhui Shen, National Space Science Center, CAS
School & Workshop Scientific Organizing Committee
Yihua Yan, NSSC
Jiuhou Lei, University of Science and Technology of China
Binbin Ni, Wuhan University
Xinan Yue, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
Qinghe Zhang, Shandong University/NSSC
Guozhu Li, IGGCAS
Hui Li, NSSC
Yajun Zhu, NSSC
Liwen Ren, NSSC
Liwen Ren(lwren@spaceweather.ac.cn), Fang Yang(fyang@nssc.ac.cn) Jing Wang(jill@apsco.int)
Ying Fu, Zhengkuan Liu, Yongjian Xu, Shiyu Huang