The 2025 IMCP Space Weather School, organized by IMCP, APSCO, NSSC, and IGGCAS, is a week-long intensive course scheduled to take place from November 2-9, 2025 (dates to be confirmed) in Hainan, China. It consists of a series of lectures and research projects. The courses and projects cover scientific topics from geospace storm effects, radio and optical remote sensing of the upper atmosphere, geomagnetism, and solar and interplanetary physics, as well as modeling and data science aspects. The school will provide ample opportunities for the students to interact with lecturers and senior scientists. The students will be assigned mini projects to work on as a team and present their research at the conclusion of the school and forum. The school is most suited for Ph.D. students, postdocs, and early-career scientists.
The maximum number of participating students is limited to 40. We will provide partial local support for students, and there is no registration fee. Additionally, limited travel support may be available for a few students.
More Details about the school, including application procedures and deadlines, will be announced soon. Please stay tuned!
Liwen Ren(lwren@spaceweather.ac.cn)
Fang Yang(fyang@nssc.ac.cn)
Zhengkuan Liu(liuzhengkuan@nssc.ac.cn)
Sheila Huang(sheila.huang@inpe.nr)
Jing Wang(jill@apsco.int)
Yumeng Sun(sunyumeng@nssc.ac.cn)
International Meridian Circle Program (IMCP)
Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO)
National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSSC)
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS)